Interview with Stéphany Laflèche from La Boîte à Paroles

In order for an entrepreneur to be successful, they must surround themselves with partners who are complementary and loyal. This is certainly the case for Stéphany Laflèche, president of La Boîte à Paroles. We introduce you to the businesswoman...
Stéphany, tell us about your company.
La Boîte à Paroles is a language stimulation centre that I founded in 2014 after having spent some years working in schools. I realized that despite my willingness, the resources were too limited. How could I effectively help a child with a language impairment by seeing them just two hours each month?
I created La Boîte à Paroles to truly help children and make a difference in their lives and those of their families. Our team, now comprised of 22 extraordinary employees, offers four types of services.
1) Our language stimulation professionals apply the intervention plan designed by the speech therapist once a diagnosis has been made (language delay, dyslexia, dysphasia, etc.). They set up various strategies and assist children in their journey through fun activities. Our goal is for each child to solidify their language, gain self-confidence and develop communication skills... through fun! After all, that’s the basis for learning.
2) We also organize coffee chats, where parents and specialists can discuss language development in children. A stimulating moment of sharing!
3) Within the next few weeks, we will be offering online training sessions to equip parents so they can accompany their child through language exploration.
4) We also work with seniors to help them maintain their language functions.
How was the collaboration between BiMoo and La Boîte à Paroles born?
I met Julie at the Montréal Parents and Kids Fair last April. I fell in love with her bilingual educational tablecloths and bought several of them.
Since then, we have used them with the children on a daily basis. We don’t use them as tablecloths, but they are the perfect learning tool to support our interventions.
Take, for example, the case of a 3-year-old child with a language delay. The child’s assistant helps them develop their vocabulary by working in categories: colours, farm animals, professions, vegetables, and more. The tablecloth is therefore the perfect choice as a tool.
They can also be used to work on spatial-temporal concepts. "Put your right hand above the lion." “Place your left foot to the right of the elephant.” Kids love it!
But back to our collaboration... I made a few videos for BiMoo, where I present ideas for activities to play with children using the jungle and emotions tablecloths. But stay tuned: Julie and I have some great surprises planned for 2020!
In the meantime, I invite you to visit the La Boîte à Paroles website. Among other great discoveries, you will find a very useful toolbox: tons of free resources to encourage your child’s language development.
And, of course, make sure to check out the BiMoo tablecloths today!
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Stéphany, tell us about your company.
La Boîte à Paroles is a language stimulation centre that I founded in 2014 after having spent some years working in schools. I realized that despite my willingness, the resources were too limited. How could I effectively help a child with a language impairment by seeing them just two hours each month?
I created La Boîte à Paroles to truly help children and make a difference in their lives and those of their families. Our team, now comprised of 22 extraordinary employees, offers four types of services.
1) Our language stimulation professionals apply the intervention plan designed by the speech therapist once a diagnosis has been made (language delay, dyslexia, dysphasia, etc.). They set up various strategies and assist children in their journey through fun activities. Our goal is for each child to solidify their language, gain self-confidence and develop communication skills... through fun! After all, that’s the basis for learning.
2) We also organize coffee chats, where parents and specialists can discuss language development in children. A stimulating moment of sharing!
3) Within the next few weeks, we will be offering online training sessions to equip parents so they can accompany their child through language exploration.
4) We also work with seniors to help them maintain their language functions.
How was the collaboration between BiMoo and La Boîte à Paroles born?
I met Julie at the Montréal Parents and Kids Fair last April. I fell in love with her bilingual educational tablecloths and bought several of them.
Since then, we have used them with the children on a daily basis. We don’t use them as tablecloths, but they are the perfect learning tool to support our interventions.
Take, for example, the case of a 3-year-old child with a language delay. The child’s assistant helps them develop their vocabulary by working in categories: colours, farm animals, professions, vegetables, and more. The tablecloth is therefore the perfect choice as a tool.
They can also be used to work on spatial-temporal concepts. "Put your right hand above the lion." “Place your left foot to the right of the elephant.” Kids love it!
But back to our collaboration... I made a few videos for BiMoo, where I present ideas for activities to play with children using the jungle and emotions tablecloths. But stay tuned: Julie and I have some great surprises planned for 2020!
In the meantime, I invite you to visit the La Boîte à Paroles website. Among other great discoveries, you will find a very useful toolbox: tons of free resources to encourage your child’s language development.
And, of course, make sure to check out the BiMoo tablecloths today!
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